A community-based foundation wants to ensure their multi-million-dollar fund supports the right needs in the right communities to promote the health and well-being of older adults.
The Challenge:
Develop a funding strategy informed by data and supported by community voices.
Mapping a Solution:
Using IMAGE: NYC, the foundation was able to zero in on neighborhoods with dense populations of older adults as well as identify potential partners for both listening sessions with older adults and expert roundtables.
The Outcome:
A grantmaking strategy built on quantitative and qualitative data to ensure funds are appropriately allocated where they are most needed.

Understanding population shifts at the local level is the first step toward ensuring direct services are adequate.
The Challenge:
How to best prepare for a growing older population on Staten Island.
Mapping a Solution:
Using IMAGE: NYC, a local service provider determined that current adult day care services were woefully inadequate for a 65+ population that is expected to more than double in size in the next ten years. In addition, they learned that nearly 40% of this older population will likely have some form of cognitive impairment.
The Outcome:
A data-driven view of the critical need for aging services in Staten Island.

A nonprofit focused on food and nutrition wants to ensure that congregate meal options are available for SNAP-eligible households with older adults.
The Challenge:
Ensure families with older adults can access sources for healthy food.
Mapping a Solution:
Using IMAGE: NYC, the organization was able to look at the alignment of households with older adults who are receiving SNAP benefits and the availability of congregate meal sites.
The Outcome:
A data-informed advocacy strategy that led to additional congregate meal sites in communities that need them the most.

Looking at mobility-enhancing features in a mixed-income community, one neighborhood block association wanted to ensure equity for all older adults, no matter where they lived.
The Challenge:
Maximize mobility and equity for older adults across the community.
Mapping a Solution:
Using IMAGE: NYC, the block association looked at the number and placement of benches and bus shelters across the community to ensure equal access for both high-income and low-income neighborhoods.
The Outcome:
A picture of inequitable allocation of resources emerged for this community, providing the evidence needed to increase resource allocation for benches and bus shelters to support older adults near public housing developments.

Older adults come to the library every day to obtain information about their local resources.
The Challenge:
Find neighborhood-specific organizations and services that enhance the lives of older adults.
Mapping a Solution:
Using IMAGE: NYC, librarians were able to locate senior centers, subway stations with elevators, and recreation centers in specific neighborhoods where older patrons lived.
The Outcome:
A visual map and contact information for resources that enabled older patrons to remain active in their communities.

A Borough President’s Office is producing a report on the current landscape and future needs of their older residents, based on a borough-wide survey.
The Challenge:
Report on the demographics and available resources throughout the borough, while only surveying a sample set of older residents.
Mapping a Solution:
Using IMAGE: NYC, staff at the Borough President’s Office obtained demographic data, as well as services and resources, for adults 65+ to supplement the data collected from the surveys.
The Outcome:
A comprehensive report on the borough’s older adults and recommendations to make the borough more age-friendly, including qualitative and quantitative information.